It’s officially Summer! Let’s get out in our gardens and enjoy the new season.

The longer days and warmer weather provide an excellent opportunity to be a host with the most, create a tranquil space to relax or enjoy entertaining with the whole family. It’s time to spruce up and create your dream garden with our top tips for a happy summer in your space!

Green Green Grass

Keep your lawn lush and green by mowing regularly and when the suns out. Consider using a lawn feed to promote healthy growth this season, we love the Westland ‘Aftercut’ which as an all-season fertiliser.

Weeds be gone!

Stay on top of weeds to prevent them from competing with your plants for nutrients and water. Regular weeding sessions can make a big difference in maintaining a tidy garden. And, though it isn’t the most exciting job, it’s certainly a rewarding one!

Slugs, snails and aphids – oh my!

Watch for common garden pests like aphids and slugs. Use natural pest control methods, such as introducing sacrificial planting with nasturtiums or calendulas or use organic treatments to keep your garden healthy and pest free!

Read our guide to companion planting here! 

Must mulch!

Apply a thick layer of mulch around your plants to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Mulching is particularly beneficial during hot summer months, protecting plant roots and keeping the moisture locked in!

Get ready for the big blooms

Ensure that climbing plants and heavy bloomers have adequate support. These plants tend to grow wild when they get some sunshine, so quickly implement stakes, trellises, or cages to keep them upright with a good support helping to prevent damage from wind and rain.

Brighten up with bedding

Add colour to your garden with summer annuals like marigolds, petunias, and begonias. These vibrant flowers bloom throughout the summer and add a much-needed splash of colour to any garden.

See our top 10 bedding plants for 2024 by clicking here

Regular Watering

Water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening to minimise evaporation. Focus on the roots and avoid wetting the foliage to reduce the risk of disease.

Snip for showstoppers!

Prune shrubs and deadhead spent flowers to encourage new growth and prolong blooming. Regular pruning helps maintain the shape and health of your plants, too.

Feed throughout the months

Feed your plants with a balanced fertiliser to provide essential nutrients. Use slow-release fertilisers or organic options to support healthy growth throughout the season.

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