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The art of Bonsai originates in ancient China and has been around for hundreds of years! Seen as symbols of harmonybalancepatience, and luck in Japanese culture, Bonsai plants are a fantastic reliever of stress! They are a great air purifier too, whilst also helping you develop patience and boosting your creativity through regular pruning and maintenance.

Traditionally, Bonsai trees were given as gifts of peace and respect so why not gift a Bonsai to plant lover this year? You’ll find a stunning variety of Bonsai trees in store, and if you’re unsure of how to care for your new plant, follow Laura’s care guide below to keep your tree in tip top shape (quite literally!)

Finding a suitable space for your bonsai is easy! Bonsai trees require lots of light to thrive, so they’re best kept on an East or West facing windowsill. Keep them away from any heat sources such as radiators or warm conservatories as this can cause their soil to dry out quickly. Bonsai trees love routine! A sudden change in temperature can shock your plant causing it to lose some leaves. It’s best to give your bonsai consistent care and keep it in one place.

It’s important not to let your Bonsai totally dry out, they should be watered when the top surface of the soil feels dry. Bonsai pots are often very shallow, so it’s best to water them by filling a sink up with water and dunking the pot for 5-10 seconds giving the soil chance to soak up as much water as it needs.

Bonsai trees need a lot of nutrients and should be fed with a Bonsai feed every couple of weeks in the warmer months and once per month in winter. It’s also good practice to repot your Bonsai once a year preferably in spring or summer. You can browse our houseplant fertilisers and repotting mixes in store or speak to our expert houseplant team to find ones best suited to your plant’s needs.

Laura recommends ‘Ficus Ginseng’ and ‘Szechuan Pepper Trees’ for beginner Bonsai lovers! Or, if you’re looking for something even easier you can start with certain species of Succulents like ‘Jade’ plants or a ‘Desert rose!’

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